©Per José Karlén
illustration 插图
Jag arbetar som illustratör och med barnperspektivet. Mitt arbete pendlar mellan det spontana och det planerade. Jag  levererar alltid med hög kvalitet och har alltid målgruppen i åtanke. Mitt perspektiv och manér har gjort att jag jobbat brett och internationellt som illustratör sedan 2004. Mina bilder är lika mycket för vuxna som för barn. Alla uppdrag är välkomna - Hör av dig!

 As an illustrator I have worked on many projects where the artwork is inspired by my practice as children’s book author. Creative and carefully planned, my work is always delivered to the highest quality and with the right target group in mind; my images appeal to adults and children alike. This has made me work internationally and I welcome illustration assignments of all kind! Please visit my galleries to see the broad range of my portfolio.

Commissions: annual reports, large scale installations, educational material, children's literature, animation, storytelling, advertising, editorial and conceptual illustration, infographics and more.

I have a teaching certificate and I have taught
illustration at several arts schools in Sweden and abroad.